Genie AI
GenieAI is a portfolio management system for institutional investors investing in Cryptocurrency. GenieAI tracks digital assets spread across centralized exchanges and prime brokers. Besides data collection, GenieAI analyses current holdings to compute financial metrics. Investors could use AI and Mathematical Optimization tools built into the platform to guide future investment decisions.
Genie AI is a cloud-native application deployed in Kubernetes in AWS. The system is composed of a few multi-services glued together using GraphQL federation. Python is the primary language at the backend.
Director of Software Engineering (formal), Founding Software EngineerTime Frame
June 2023 - NowTasks
- implementing core features on the backend site,
- scaffolding the project,
- setting up AWS infrastructure (i.e., Kubernetes clusters),
- building CI pipelines, establishing the release process,
- managing the dev team, conducting regular 1:1,
- interviewing candidates for SE positions,
- supporting the CTO in feature planning and technical decisions.
- Python
- FastAPI
- Pydantic
- SQLAlchemy
- Click
- Strawberry GraphQL
- Prefect
- Pytest
- Postgres
- Apollo GraphQL
- Terraform
- Kubernetes
- Docker
- Helm
- ArgoCD
- Grafana
- Sentry
- GitHub Actions
- HashiCorp Vault